
From "Mr. Standfast"

Yes, they had these kind of folk in the early twentieth century. Much of the novel, Mr. Standfast, spends it's time describing these people of enlightenment. I can't help but remember the "tousle headed youth" that C.S. Lewis writes of in The Great Divorce. So demanding that people read their material and agree that it is great art; and never ought they say otherwise so as to lower the self esteem of these individual children. O, We of our old fashioned gatherings of objective reality that say, "Art has a definition." And with heavy sarcasm I say, "Grace us, new progressed modern mind, with your plentiful wisdom on the things of which you know little!" So anyway, here is the quote of which I speak:

"Aronson, the novelist, proved on acquaintance the worst kind of blighter. He considered himself a genius whom it was the duty of the country to support, and he sponged on his wretched relatives and anyone who would lend him money. He was always babbling about his sins, and pretty squalid they were. I should like to have flung him among a few good old fashioned full blooded sinners of my acquaintance; they would have scared him considerably. He told me that he sought 'reality' and 'life' and 'truth', but it was hard to see how he could know much about them, for he spent half the day in bed smoking cheap cigarettes, and the rest sunning himself in the admiration of half-witted girls. The creature was tuberculous in mind and body, and the only novel of his I read pretty well turned my stomach."

- John Buchan

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