
More on turning a new age

I am now seventeen. Feel free to give me presents, because the only ones I have gotten so far were from my parents. There is just so much pressure to have a good time on my birthday. Oh well. You guys should come to my birthday party. It will be on the 9th of august, at a time i have not decided but probably late.

Davis, I realize you have a lot of money. So I expect big things from you. Or I could use a drum set, which if you think about it could save you money.

Jason, a simple hug from you would do nicely.


Lincoln Davis said...

Sorry dude, I actually don't have a lot of money now. I'm a poor law student for about a month and a half more until I start working. But I can probably buy you a candy bar for your birthday when I see you.

Evan Gunn said...

no worries